Sec 1 (M-F 8:00-8:50) CRN 66199
Sec 2 (M-F 9:00-9:50) CRN 66200
Sec 3 (M-F 10:00-10:50) CRN 66201
Introduction to German grammar and development of all language skills in a cultural context with special emphasis on communication. (Students who have successfully completed German 2 or 3 in the 10th or higher grade in high school may receive unit credit for this course on a P/NP grading basis only. Although a passing grade will be charged to the student's P/NP option, no petition is required. All other students will receive a letter grade unless a P/NP petition is filed).
Course format: Discussion - 5 hours; Laboratory - 1 hour.
Prerequisite: None.
Exams, grades: Three exams and a final.
Textbook: Lovik, Vorsprung Update and Workbook and Laboratory Manual and CD.
Sec 1 (M-F 9:00-9:50) CRN 66202
Sec 2 (M-F 10:00-10:50) CRN 66203
Continuation of course 1 in areas of grammar and basic language skills.
Course format: Discussion - 5 hours; Laboratory - 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Course 1.
Exams, grades: Three exams and a final.
Textbook: Lovik, Vorsprung Update and Workbook and Laboratory Manual and CD.
Sec 1 (MWF 9:00-9:50) CRN 66204, Staff
Sec 2 (MWF 10:00-10:50) CRN 83226, Professor Elisabeth Krimmer
This is the first course of 2nd year German. Students will review grammar, and begin to read and discuss short, literary texts of cultural and historical interest.
Course Format: Lecture/discussion - 3 hours; short papers.
Prerequisite: Course 3.
Textbooks: Rosemarie Morewedge, Larry Wells (eds.): Mitlesen/Mitteilen; Jamie Rankin, Larry Wells (eds.): Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik.
MWF 11:00-11:50 CRN 83227, Staff
Practice in short essay writing. Discussion based on readings from a variety of German texts. This course will be conducted in German.
Course Format: Discussion - 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Course 20.
Textbooks: Rosemarie Morewedge, Larry Wells (eds.): Mitlesen/Mitteilen; Jamie Rankin, Larry Wells (eds.): Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik.
MWF 10:00-10:50 CRN 83228, Professor Carlee Arnett
This course will introduce students to the world of Germanic mythology. It will begin with a systematic analysis of the Nordic realm of gods and heroes and continue with the reading of several of the Old Norse sagas, tales of Sex and Violence, Passion and Revenge, which over the centuries have maintained a thrilling vitality. Knowledge of German not required. GE credit: ArtHum, Wrt.
Course Format: Discussion - 3 hours; term paper.
Prerequisite: None.
Textbooks: Heaney (ed.), Beowulf; Davidson, Gods & Myths of Northern Europe; Faulkes, Edda; Byock, The Saga of the Volsungs.
MWF 11:00-11:50 CRN 66229, Professor Carlee Arnett
Description of course: This course, which is required of German Majors in Literature and in Area Studies, and recommended for those in Culture and Commerce, surveys the first millennium of German Literature from the Middle Ages to German Classicism. The rich tapestry of German literary history in an international social and cultural context will be illustrated by readings representative of the several periods and styles under discussion. GE credit: ArtHum.
Course format: Lecture/discussion - 3 hours. Conducted in German.
Prerequisite: Course 22 or consent of instructor.
Textbooks: A reader will be available.
TR 10:30-11:50 CRN 84166, Harriet Jernigan
An overview of German-language literature, history and culture from the fin de siecle to the Second World War. Readings will include works from Kafka, Rilke and Hesse." GE credit: ArtHum.
Course format: Lecture/discussion - 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Course 22 or consent of instructor.
Textbooks: A reader will be available.
TR 10:30-11:50 CRN 83913, Professor Bernhard Greiner
Are stories told to pass time? To escape death ("One Thousand and One Arabian Nights")? To distance oneself from a plague ("The Decameron")? To create another kind of knowledge, a poetic science that offers its specific approach to the world? Or for all these reasons? Within these perspectives the novella became the most popular genre in German literature during the 19th and 20th centuries. We will read examples starting with Goethe and Kleist, continuing with an emphasis on early 20th-century novellas exploring the fundamental crises of the subject, language, and metaphysics (Hofmannsthal, Thomas Mann, Kafka), and ending with an example of exile literature (Anna Seghers) and one of contemporary avant-garde narration (Elfriede Jelinek). GE credit: ArtHum.
Course format: Lecture/discussion - 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Course 22 or consent of instructor.
Textbooks: Goethe, Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten; Goethe, Novelle. Das Märchen; H. von Kleist, Die Marquise von O... Das Erdbeben in Chili; Brentano, Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schoenen Annerl; Bächner, Lenz; Stifter, Der Kondor. Das Heideldorf; Storm, Aquis submerses; H. von Hofmannsthal, Reitergechichte und andere Erzählungen; Mann, Der Tod in Venedig; Kafka, Das Urteil und andere Prosa; Seghers, Der Ausflug der toten Mädchen und andere Erzählungen; Jelinek, er nicht al ser: (zu, mit Robert Walser)
R 5:10-8:00 CRN 83230, Professor Greiner
German romantic literature was the origin and a central part of the romantic movement that embraced and pervaded all arts and fields of science, politics and everyday life, fascinating sophisticated intellectuals yet with mass appeal. The romantic movement - initiated and philosophically founded in Germany - spread to all other European cultures and remains alive today as a specific attitude to nature and mankind. We all have conceptions of romantic landscapes, romantic love, a romantic world view. The aim of this seminar is an acquaintance with romantic literature as the core of this movement. Our look at German literature of the romantic period will concentrate on five topics: What is romantic? (in this section we will also consider romantic music - Schubert - and romantic painting - Caspar David Friedrich); 'Poetry and the Poet as the Incarnation of Romanticism'; 'Romantic Love'; 'The Uncanny/The Black Romantic'; Romantic Myth: Self-Mirroring of Romanticism. In addition to the literary texts that we will analyze, a reader with theoretical texts will be prepared for the beginning of the semester.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Textbooks:E.T.A. Hoffmann, Der Sandman; E.T.A. Hoffmann, Der goldne Topf,; C. Brentano, Geschichte vom braven Kasperl; L. Tieck, Der blonde Eckbert/Der Runenerg; Novalis, Heinrich von Ofterdingen; F. Schlegel, Lucinde; F. Schlegel, Athenaeums - Fragemente und andere Schriften.
CRN TBA , Professor Carlee Arnett
Theoretical instruction in modern teaching methods and demonstration of their practical application. Required of new teaching assistants.
M 1:10-4:00 CRN 83559, Professor Elisabeth Krimmer
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.