Graduate Program

The UC Davis German Department provides its graduate students with a solid basis of erudition while encouraging innovative and multidisciplinary pursuits. such as combining its doctoral program in German Literature with interdisciplinary Designated Emphases in Critical Theory, Classics, Feminist Research, and Second Language Acquisition. The rigorous yet flexible M.A. and Ph.D. programs offer in-depth specialization in theoretical and historical problems pertaining to German literature and thought, as well as a track designed for those interested primarily in linguistics. The approximate time to degree is 2 years for M.A. students and 5 for Ph.D. students.

Those who have graduated with a Ph.D. from the UC Davis German Department have been successful in obtaining faculty positions at colleges and universities across the nation, such as Duke University, University of Pennsylvania, UC Santa Barbara, Emory University, University of Georgia, Brandeis University, Middlebury College, Bucknell University, and Washington University, St. Louis.