Each year, the German Department will consider the most outstanding applicants to its doctoral program for the prestigious "Max Kade Distinguished Graduate Fellowship in German Studies."
Graduate students are supported during the course of their studies by the following means:
Graduate Fellowships
Application Instructions for Graduate Students provides information about the fellowship
application. Make sure to complete the Internal Fellowship Application form. Your Personal (academic) Statement, Personal History Statement, Letters of Recommendation, and GRE scores from your admission application will be used. You do not need to resubmit any material.
US citizens must also complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Fellowships may include full payment of tuition and fees. Applications for fellowships are due by January 15 (or the next working day if it falls on a holiday or a weekend).
Tuition Fellowships
Out-of-state and
international applicants may be eligible for
Non-Resident Tuition Fellowships. This is
part of the Internal Fellowship Application
mentioned above.
Residency (PDF) - Domestic non-residents
can establish California residency after 1
year if they have taken the appropriate steps.
Teaching Assistantships & Associate
Instructor Teaching Positions
Assistantship Application Mail to: UC Davis German Dept., Attn: Kay Green, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616
In addition to their salary, TAs receive a partial fee remission. For current remission rates, click here.