2009 Fall Courses

Lower Division Courses

German 1: Elementary German (5 Units)

STAFF (sec. 1, M-F 08:00 - 08:50, 163 Olson) CRN 26129

STAFF (sec. 2, M-F 09:00 - 09:50, 163 Olson) CRN 26130

STAFF (sec. 3, M-F 10:00 - 10:50, 1342 Storer) CRN 26131

This is an introduction to German grammar and development of all language skills in a cultural context with special emphasis on communication.

Course Placement:Students who have successfully completed, with a C- or better, German 2 or 3 in the 10th or higher grade in high school may receive unit credit for this course on a P/NP grading basis only. Although a passing grade will be charged to the student's P/NP option, no petition is required. All other students will receive a letter grade unless a P/NP petition is filed. For more information, please contact the instructor or the German staff adviser directly.

Course Format: Discussion - 5 hours; Laboratory - 1 hour.


German 2: Elementary German (5 units)

STAFF (M-F 09:00 - 09:50, 129 Wellman) CRN 26132

Course Description: Continuation of course 1 in areas of grammar and the basic language skills.

Prerequisite: course 2.

Course Format: Discussion - 5 hours; Laboratory - 1 hour.


German 20: Intermediate German (4 Units)

STAFF (sec. 1, MWF 09:00 - 09:50, 90 Social Sciences & Humanities) CRN 26134

STAFF (sec. 2, MWF 10:00 - 10:00, 90 Social Sciences & Humanities) CRN 26135

Course Description: This is the first course of 2nd year German. Students will review grammar, and begin to read and discuss short, literary texts of cultural and historical interest. Class is conducted in German.

Prerequisite: course 3.

Course Format: Lecture/Discussion - 3 hours; Short papers.


German 21: Intermediate German (4 Units)

STAFF (MWF 11:00 - 11:50, 103 Wellman) CRN 26136

Course Description: TBA.

Prerequisite: course 20 or consent of instructor.

Course Format: Lecture/Discussion - 3 hours; Short Papers.


German 48: Myth and Saga in the Germanic Culture (4 Units)

Carlee Arnett, Associate Professor (TR 10:30 - 11:50, 168 Hoagland) CRN 43919

Course Description: This course will introduce students to the world of Germanic mythology. It will begin with a systematic analysis of the Nordic realm of gods and heroes and continue with the reading of several of the Old Norse sagas, tales of Sex and Violence, Passion and Revenge, which over the centuries have maintained a thrilling vitality. Knowledge of German not required. GE credit: ArtHum, Wrt.

Prerequisite: None (The class will be conducted in English).

Course Format: Lecture/Discussion - 3 hours; Term Paper.


Upper Division Courses

German 101A: Survey of German Literature, 800-1800 (4 Units)

Clifford Bernd, Professor (MWF 09:00 - 09:50, 207 Olson) CRN 26160

Course Description: This course, which is required of German Majors in Literature and in Area Studies, and recommended for those in Culture and Commerce, surveys the first millennium of German Literature from the Middle Ages to German Classicism. The rich tapestry of German literary history in an international social and cultural context will be illustrated by readings representative of the several periods and styles under discussion. GE Credit: ArtHum.

Prerequisite: course 22 or consent of instructor.

Course Format: Lecture - 3 hours; Term Paper.

Textbook: a course reader (Will be available at Davis Copy Shop)

German 121: The Medieval Period in German Literature (4 Units)

STAFF (TR 09:00 - 10:20, 105 Olson) CRN 43392

Course Description: TBA

Prerequisite: course 22 or consent of instructor.

Course Format: Lecture/Discussion - 3 hours.

Textbooks: TBA.

German 129: Postwar Women Writers (4 Units)

Inge Stephan, Max Kade Visiting Professor (TR 01:40 - 03:00, 139 Physics/Geology) CRN 43393

Course Description: This seminar focuses on short texts by women writers. Analyzing these texts in regard to their implementation of categories such as “memory,” “narration,” and “gender,” we will trace their historical and literary contexts within postwar Germany. A course reader will be available. GE credit: ArtHum, Div.

Prerequisite: course 22 or consent of instructor.

Course Format: Lecture/Discussion - 3 hours; Term Paper.


German 134: Topics in German Intellectual History - The Uncanny (4 units)

Harriet Jernigan, Lecturer (TR 12:10 - 01:30, 102 Hutchison) CRN 43394

Course Description: TBA

Prerequisite: course 22 or consent of instructor.

Course Format: Lecture/Discussion - 3 hours; Term Paper.

Textbooks: TBA

Graduate Courses

German 242: German Novelle (4 Units)

Clifford Bernd, Professor (T 02:10 - 05:00, 412B Sproul) CRN 44052

Course Description: An inquiry into the genre par excellence of German literature. We will read and discuss nine famous masterpieces. Conducted in German. For more information, please contact the instructor directly (cabernd@ucdavis.edu).

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

Course Format: Seminar - 3 hours; Extensive Term Paper.


German 297: Nachbilder der Wende / Afterimages of the Wende (4 Units)

Inge Stephan, Visiting Professor (R 05:10-08:00, 412B Sproul) CRN 43396

Course Description: Despite the fact that 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and German reunification the feuilleton is still eagerly awaiting the publication of the ultimate “Wenderoman,” there are many intriguing literary, filmic and artistic works addressing the so-called “Wende.” In this seminar, we will look at some of these texts and films critically reflecting on the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

Course Format: Seminar - 3 hours; Extensive Term Paper.


Other Courses Taught by German Faculty

Freshman Seminar: TBA (4 Units)

Winder McConnell, Professor (TBA) CRN

Course Description: TBA

Prerequisite: TBA

Course Format: TBA

Textbooks: TBA

Integrated Studies 8: TBA (4 Units)

Winder McConnell, Professor (TBA) CRN

Course Description: TBA

Prerequisite: TBA

Course Format: TBA

Textbooks: TBA