2009 Summer Courses

Summer Abroad Program

UC Davis Summer Abroad Programs provide students with a unique opportunity to take UC Davis courses, taught by UC Davis instructors, in an international setting.

Film Studies (FMS)/German (GER) 142 & 198 (8 units): World Cinema and European Film Festival

Jaimey Fisher, Professor

August 1–August 31, 2009

Germany and Switzerland (Berlin & Locarno)

Based in Berlin, one of Europe's most exciting cities, this program examines contemporary cinema by considering the role of film festivals in producing and distributing films around the world. The highlight of our time will be a field trip to the Locarno Film Festival, set in the lovely lake region of southern Switzerland/northern Italy (near Lake Como). Perched between Cannes (in the spring) and Venice (in the fall), Locarno's is the most important festival of the summer. The topography of the course reflects its focus: while Berlin is home to one of Europe's biggest and most important movie studios, the class will consider the relationship between conventional national filmmaking and the transnational film festival. We will examine a series of contemporary film makers whose reputations were established at film festivals, including Pedro Almodovar (Talk to Her), Michael Haneke (Funny Games), Wong Kar Wai (In the Mood for Love) and Lars von Trier (Dogville).

For more information about the logistics of this program, please visit the main UCD Summer Abroad Program website: summer-abroad.ucdavis.edu

Intensive Language Course

An intensive, non-intimidating introduction to the German Language will be offered this coming summer. This twelve-week course provides the basis for proficiency in reading, speaking, and listening, as well as, a strong cultural component. Students can also satisfy their UC Davis Foreign Language Requirement by taking this course. This intensive language course is equivalent to German 1, 2, and 3 and offered through the Summer Sessions Program.

GER 1A - Intensive Elementary German (CRN 60149)

Special Summer Session 2009

June 22, 2009–September 11, 2009

MTWRF, 12:10 p.m.– 2:40 p.m.

For more information about registration and course fee, please visit the Summer Sessions website at summer-sessions.ucdavis.edu/special_on.cfm?goto=ger. For any other questions, please contact Jeanne Hart at 530-752-4999.

Session 1 Course

German 118C: Germany Under the Third Reich (4 Units)

Winder McConnell, Professor (TR 8:00 - 10:30, 1120 Hart) CRN 55221

Course Description: Interdisciplinary study of German society and culture during the Third Reich (1933-45); readings in aesthetics, history, and philosophy; study of Fascist culture in literature, film, architecture, and the graphic arts; focus on everyday life in Hitler’s Germany. GE credit: ArtHum, Wrt.

Course Format: Lecture/Discussion; Term Paper.

Prerequisite: Background in modern European history; course 118B recommended. No knowledge of German required.

Textbooks: TBA

Session 2 Course

German 115: German Literature since 1945 (4 Units)

Harriet Jernigan, Lecturer (TR 11:00 - 1:30, 105 Olson) CRN 80187

Course Description: With the end of World War II, Germans were left to sift through the rubble of their lives and build a new Germany. They were left with a number of questions about culpability, survival and identity. From the Wirtschaftswunder to the terrorism of the 70's, to the Wende, and beyond, German literature has reflected the ongoing dialogue of what it means to be German.

Using a variety of techniques, from team quizzes to writing internal monologues, we'll examine selections from Hans Fallada, Guenter Grass, Heinrich Boell, Siegfried Lenz, Ingeborg Bachmann, Feridun Zaimoglu and Bernhard Schlink. At the end of the session, we'll also watch the film version of Schlink's Der Vorleser (The Reader).

I look forward to seeing you in class! GE credit: ArtHum, Wrt.

Course Format: Lecture/Discussion; Term Paper.

Prerequisite: None. No Knowledge of German is required.

Textbooks: TBA